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Yesterday was Auntie Joan’s funeral. As far as funeral’s go…… went well. Not many people at the church, but when one is 94 there aren’t many friends left!  The officiant, Brenda Small, did a wonderful job and conveyed her love for Auntie, along with several stories about the person she was. It was quite lovely.

There were even less people at the crematorium, eight I think and the service was short, but very meaningful. Unfortunately I could not hold back the tears any longer, but I’m sure Auntie would understand.

The people at Lodge Brothers were amazing. I can’t begin to tell you how impressed I am with them. From Susan in the Hanworth branch to, Xenos the Conductor and his assistants, thay were incredible. Such empathy and compassion. I’ll never forget them or the respectful service they gave us.

So, Friday after scattering the ashes, Doug and I leave for the airport. It’s been a long month and we are both looking forward to returning home to Canada.