St Peter’s Church Hersham – Fundraising Concert Night

As part of the fundraising concert evening at St Peter’s Church in Hersham recently, Lodge Brothers donated a raffle prize of two lots of green fees for playing at Burhill Golf Club.
Sarah Tourell from the Parish Office offered these words in her newsletter:
Take a bow! Thank you to everyone involved in last Saturday evening’s concert. We’ve had an email from Alistair Sherwood which says “It takes a team to put on an event like this and I am very much aware of that, so my thanks to all who were involved with organising the evening”.
Not only was it an amazing event that welcomed members of our community into St. Peter’s, who may not otherwise set foot in our church, we made a very useful £1,700!
Whatever you did: provided prizes for the raffle, invited your friends, flower arrangements, sold raffle tickets, served drinks, helped set-up, stayed afterwards to get the church back in order for Sunday, please know that everything you did is very much appreciated. The feedback for the event has been overwhelmingly positive. A real team effort!
We made £560 on the raffle alone!! Which we couldn’t have done without people like you supporting us.