St Matthews Church Ashford, Christmas Fayre – Saturday 30th November
December 4th, 2019

Saturday 30th November 2019
The sun was certainly shining on the Ashford ladies last Saturday. With handmade bouquets being sold and hot chocolate on the go, Funeral Arranger Penny and District Manager Victoria had a lovely morning enticing people into St Matthew’s Christmas Fayre. A big thank you to our ducks as once again they proved popular with children AND this time adults getting a tad competitive!
Congratulations goes to local schoolgirl Abigail who won our guess the bauble competition and received a huge box of choccies.
A mention must also go to Ashford Women’s Institute who held their fayre on the same day in St Michael’s Church. The stalls looked amazing and it was great to see so many people out and about in Ashford that day.