Pimms O’Clock at St Johns Church Summer Fair

Paul Bye, Surrey Commercial and Operations Manager for Lodge Brothers, is always looking for ways to get involved with the local community and following last years success at St Johns Church West Byfleet Summer Fair, Paul did not hesitate to offer his time again and booked a stall, the theme was the Queens official birthday and what does every good garden party need? Pimms!!!
Paul was supported by Annie MacKender, branch arranger for West Byfleet, and his wife and daughter, as well as Chris Pearse a funeral operative for Lodge Brothers.
“Parish Pimms” and “Soft drinks” were sold with all proceeds going back to St Johns Church fund, in total £460. 00 was raised for the church.
Paul commented, “Lodge Brothers believe in giving back to the community that they serve, and events like this one at St Johns Church are very enjoyable and necessary to help keep the church in the community. It was great to spread a bit of cheer and also to toast the Queens official birthday.”